2. You are such a hard working man
3. You are so diligent and faithful to apply yourself to school
4. You are really, really HOT :-)
5. You love to dance and have a good time
6. You selflessly serve me
6. You selflessly serve me
7. You always call or text me throughout the day to remind me you love me
8. You love God with all of your heart
9. You are an encourager
10. You love to work with your hands
11. I love that economics excites you
12. You love animated movies
13. Your laugh is contagious
13. Your laugh is contagious
14. You are strong and gentle all at the same time
15. You are quite the gentleman
16. You are a man of integrity and are trustworthy
17. You are one of the most humble man that I know
18. I love how you provoke me in my walk with God
19. I love the way you bless me with flowers just because
20. You are others focused and intentional
21. You love to ask questions to get to know me more
22. You love the gospel more than me
23. You are wonderful!
Love, I am so grateful we get to celebrate your birthday together. It is a pure joy being your wife! I love you with all my heart!