The Answer is...

Great job to all who said our middle names were David Aaron and Hannah Rose!

Happy Easter!

"Behold the Lamb, carrying all our transgressions
He freely takes our place; endures the lash,
the mocking and the laughter of those he dies to save.
But look again, the cross stands empty now
And He is risen!"

"Jesus thank you for the cross
for the blood that sets us free
crimson stain of all our sin
washed away in Your mercy"

I am so grateful for songs that point us to the gospel and are filled with truth! What a glorious day it is to reflect back on what Jesus has done for us all. Christ lived a perfect sinless life, was mocked, beaten, and suffered extreme pain to the point of death and then raised to life and is now seated at the right hand of His father! Jesus bore the wrath and punishment that I so rightly deserve but because of God's great mercy and love for us He sent His son as the sacrificial lamb to take our place. What amazing grace, what amazing mercy, and what amazing love! I am so thankful for the cross because through the cross the gospel is revealed, through the cross we can be redeemed and through the cross we can have eternal life. What else can I do but sing songs of praise to our God for what He has done over two thousand years ago today!

The Answer is......

For everyone that is holdong their breath please give me a drum roll. If you can't do both then just give me a drum roll! The answer to our multiple choice question was "Brian Regan Show". This is one of both of our favorite comedians. This would be the first official date that we went anywhere by ourselves to an event. We would always do events with our group of friends but this was the FIRST REAL OFFICIAL DATE! We also celebrated by buying a bottle of fake champaine (sparkling grape juice) to add remembrance and special significance to the date! So all that said THE BRIAN REGAN SHOW you win the prize! I don't know what that is but ill let you know! Don't call me, I'll call you! ha

Airport Troubles

WELL....I had the most wonderful, amazing, incredible, glorious weekend with my fiance'!!! We tried not to talk about the wedding details and just enjoy being best friends (or as we like to say, BFOATs... Bestest Friends Of All Time) and enjoying being engaged this trip. It was so wonderful to reconnect with my love and live everyday normal life with him. Oh how I can't wait until these weekends turn into a life time!

So I dropped David off at the airport tonight at 6:30pm to catch his 7:35 flight. But after he checked his bag he called me and said his plane was delayed and was not supposed to leave until 8:20pm. I got really excited about this, so I parked my car and came inside so that I could spend every minute possible with him before he left! :-) As we were sitting there talking we continued to check the departure time on the screen (which continued to say 8:20 mind you). So we decided 7:45pm would be a good time to say our last goodbyes and all he would have to do is walk through security. As we began to say goodbye we hear his name over the intercom say "David DeVries please get to gate B10 for your departure flight."

So David proceeds to run through security and then to his gate just to realize he is a second to late! The plane had arrive much sooner than expected said the ticket lady but they never changed the screen. They were able to get him another flight to Maryland tonight, but first he had to fly to Chicago and then fly to Maryland. The poor guy will not get home until 2:00am!!!


I cannot put into words how grateful I am to have David in my life! David is a man who selflessly serves and cares for me. He is a man who leads, takes initiative and encourages my soul. David can always make me laugh and put a smile on my face! He is diligent, faithful and such a hard worker. He pursues God with his whole heart and provokes me with his passion for the gospel. David is a man who is very teachable and humble, always quick to ask for input. I am so grateful to God for putting David in my life. My love, respect and appreciation for him grows daily. I am so grateful for this man and blessed beyond words to be able to marry him! I love you David!

It is David's turn to come to Cleveland this weekend! I am so excited to see him! Woohooo!!!!

Snow and More Snow

In Cleveland, Ohio you never know what the weather will be. It is always changing. We can have sun and 50 degrees and then the next day have 15 inches of snow. But after living in Cleveland my whole life and thinking about a more constant weather pattern in Maryland, as funny as it sounds I will miss the crazy weather here!

Friday night the snow started and by Saturday afternoon we were covered in a thick blanket of snow...
The path to our front door
Our neighbors car

The man post: posted by david

Just to let you know this post has nothing to do with the wedding or preparations for the wedding but I just wanted to exert my manliness in a time of my life where flowers are the norm and color schemes are floating around my head. Dresses are flowy and little girl dreams are realized! Weddings are so wonderful but I fear that men can get lost! ha

I Cor. 16: 13-14 (speaking to men)
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
Let all that you do be done in love.

In an honor of scripture I want to a man and be strong. So please excuse me as I talk about manly things for a minute. Football, now that is manly. It is muscle on muscle, Bron upon Bron. The bigger you are, the harder you fall. The sweat and twinging muscles makes men proud and brings untold chivalry to our hearts. Boxing is the same way. Pounding each other in competition brings out excitement in men .
The last part of the scripture is where manliness needs to be altered from the worlds perspective. It says let all that you do be done in love. So in being a man, enjoying competition we need to love our neighbors and and in my case I want to lead, encourage, love, and respect my fiance in all areas. Please keep me accountable for purity, leading and leading spiritually my soon to be wife! The scripture also says to stand firm in the faith. I want to be a rock and firm in the faith for my future wife. Now that is the picture of a man! Humble leadership, leading his family toward God and serving whenever possible! May God give me the grace in his strength to do this! But it still does not mean that we love some great football! ha

Engagement Pictures!

Pictures taken by Kristen Synder


When David first moved to Maryland we tried to see each other once every 4-5 weeks (which to me seemed more like 4-5 years :-) ) But now since we are engaged we are trying to see each other every other weekend! This is absolutely AMAZING! I can't wait for the day when these 2 weeks shrink down to EVERY DAY!!! What a joy that will be!

This weekend it was my turn to visit. The weekend has been full and planning, engagement pictures:-) , celebrating with his family, hanging out with friends, looking at an apartment and of course spending time with the LOVE OF MY LIFE! Our dear friends are in the process of purchasing a house with a basement apartment. David and I had the opportunity to go look at the basement yesterday. It was really cute and I think it would serve us well. It is so exciting to think about and begin planning are life together. I love being engaged and have no doubt that I have the best fiance' ever!