Airport Troubles

WELL....I had the most wonderful, amazing, incredible, glorious weekend with my fiance'!!! We tried not to talk about the wedding details and just enjoy being best friends (or as we like to say, BFOATs... Bestest Friends Of All Time) and enjoying being engaged this trip. It was so wonderful to reconnect with my love and live everyday normal life with him. Oh how I can't wait until these weekends turn into a life time!

So I dropped David off at the airport tonight at 6:30pm to catch his 7:35 flight. But after he checked his bag he called me and said his plane was delayed and was not supposed to leave until 8:20pm. I got really excited about this, so I parked my car and came inside so that I could spend every minute possible with him before he left! :-) As we were sitting there talking we continued to check the departure time on the screen (which continued to say 8:20 mind you). So we decided 7:45pm would be a good time to say our last goodbyes and all he would have to do is walk through security. As we began to say goodbye we hear his name over the intercom say "David DeVries please get to gate B10 for your departure flight."

So David proceeds to run through security and then to his gate just to realize he is a second to late! The plane had arrive much sooner than expected said the ticket lady but they never changed the screen. They were able to get him another flight to Maryland tonight, but first he had to fly to Chicago and then fly to Maryland. The poor guy will not get home until 2:00am!!!

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