Just to let you know this post has nothing to do with the wedding or preparations for the wedding but I just wanted to exert my manliness in a time of my life where flowers are the norm and color schemes are floating around my head. Dresses are flowy and little girl dreams are realized! Weddings are so wonderful but I fear that men can get lost! ha
I Cor. 16: 13-14 (speaking to men) Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.In an honor of scripture I want to a man and be strong. So please excuse me as I talk about manly things for a minute. Football, now that is manly. It is muscle on muscle, Bron upon Bron. The bigger you are, the harder you fall. The sweat and twinging muscles makes men proud and brings untold chivalry to our hearts. Boxing is the same way. Pounding each other in competition brings out excitement in men .
The last part of the scripture is where manliness needs to be altered from the worlds perspective. It says let all that you do be done in love. So in being a man, enjoying competition we need to love our neighbors and and in my case I want to lead, encourage, love, and respect my fiance in all areas. Please keep me accountable for purity, leading and leading spiritually my soon to be wife! The scripture also says to stand firm in the faith. I want to be a rock and firm in the faith for my future wife. Now that is the picture of a man! Humble leadership, leading his family toward God and serving whenever possible! May God give me the grace in his strength to do this!
But it still does not mean that we love some great football! ha