Mallory showed me your blog so that I could see your engagement pictures. Congratulations!! May God bless you as you move forward in this next season of life. Tell both of your families Hello from the Robinsons:)
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Your grace Streams of mercy, never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the Mount, I’m fixed upon it Mount of Your redeeming love
O, to grace, how great a debtor Daily I’m constrained to be Let Your goodness, like a fetter Bind my wandering heart to Thee Prone to wander, Lord I feel it Prone to leave the God I love Here’s my heart O take and seal it Seal it for Thy courts above
O that day when freed from sinning I shall see Thy lovely face Clothed then in the blood washed linen How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace Come my Lord no longer tarry Take my ransomed soul away Send thine angels now to carry Me to realms of endless day
Ran across your blog today. Congratulations on your engagement. Wow, great pictures! Your photography did a fantastic job.
Hannah and David!!! You two are truly so precious! We LOVE your engagement pictures! And we love you two! Woo! :)
Ok but really....they are the most beautiful/cute pictures we've ever seen!
Amanda and Autumn!
Thanks Girls! We had so much fun getting our picture taken! Love you guys!
David and Hannah,
Mallory showed me your blog so that I could see your engagement pictures. Congratulations!! May God bless you as you move forward in this next season of life. Tell both of your families Hello from the Robinsons:)
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