Snow and More Snow

In Cleveland, Ohio you never know what the weather will be. It is always changing. We can have sun and 50 degrees and then the next day have 15 inches of snow. But after living in Cleveland my whole life and thinking about a more constant weather pattern in Maryland, as funny as it sounds I will miss the crazy weather here!

Friday night the snow started and by Saturday afternoon we were covered in a thick blanket of snow...
The path to our front door
Our neighbors car


judygionti said...

Hi David & Hannah...
This is your family in Memphis..we all are at Judy & Tony's celebrating March birthdays and we have
been looking at your blog & getting to know Hannah!!!
David, you have a jewel!!
Hannah, we can't wait to meet you! Aunt Luanne, Aunt
Laurie, Aunt Shellie, Uncle Mike,Grandpa & Lyvonne all send love to you. Adam, Paul & Griffin
said Hi! (Griffin leaves to go back to Iraq on Mar 27..keep him in your prayers! He is here for a week) We are going to be checking your blog frequently to see what ya'll are up to!! I know both of your Mom's are so excited!! Can't wait til August!! Love you so much!!
Aunt Judy & Uncle Tony

Seth and Janet said...

enjoy it while it lasts, we dont get snow like that down here :(

Jean said...

There's a saying here: "If you don't like the weather in Maryland, wait 20 minutes."

Hope you're not too disappointed with our muggy summers and snowless winters. :)