On the road again...

David's family goes to the beach every summer to visit his grandparents in NC. This year we did not think we would be able to go with everything going on (ya know weddings stuff :-) ) but this past week David's parents were so generous to offer to help out with the costs for us to drive down there this weekend and meet up with the rest of his family (who has been down there all week)! God was so kind to allow time for David and I to get off and so we are hitting the road again for another weekend trip to North Carolina. I am so excited!
P.s My new job is going well at the church. The past few days I have been in a lot of orientation and have had great opportunities to get to know some of the girls in the office. God is so good!

1 comment:

Jecholia said...

It was great to meet you in Cleveland last weekend! Thanks for being so welcoming at church! I hope you have a great weekend trip with the almost new fam! :)