
Well it has been a week of lots of phone calls, dress shopping, visiting different churches and halls, searching online and a week revealing my heart. Last night I was talking to David on the phone and was feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions that needed to be made. As we continued to talk David was so kind and gracious to direct my heart back to truth. He reminded me that, yes we will need to make these decisions, but that our focus should be not on which church we use or where we have the reception but on bring glory to God! And that we get an opportunity in all these areas to trust Him and rely on this grace in this process!
I am so thankful to God that this engagement and soon to be marriage is not about me. It is about bringing glory to His name. It is about living a life completely dependent upon is grace. It is about rejoicing in the the finished work of the cross! It is about God carrying out His perfect plan. It is all about HIM!!
Not to us, but to your name alone
Be all the glory, the glory forever
For your faithfulness and steadfast love
Receive the glory, the glory
Belongs to you

1 comment:

David & Hannah said...

love that is so true! thank you for all reminding us of God being at the center